Indonesian Hero

Who can be a hero?

In the name of Allah, most gracious most merciful.

Praise be to Allah who give us opportunity to life in the world. Thanks to Prophet who tought the meaning of life, love, patience and honest. He has given knowledge how to be Abdullah and khilafah in the world. He is a hero in the world.

Hero is person who have given a merit to other people or institution. So, They feel mind debt. Everyone can be a hero. A Husband is a hero for his wife, a mother is hero for her children, a Teacher is hero for the students and Doctor is a hero for the patient. But the Hero tittle will lose if they ask something for the merit.

Hero is a tittle for person and was made by people or united people. So, everyone can give a tittle it to who gave a good service for theirself and The country can give a tittle it to who gave a merit to this country.

For Moslem, Hero is people who helped Islam by pure and pass away on the war. So, the hero is called Mujahidin by Allah the God for Moslem.

Mujahidin is hero, the Hero is not really Mujahidin. The hero can praise from people, while Mujahidin can reward from Allah.

Indonesian Hero is a tittle what is given to someone who has given a merit to this country and not for someone. Indonesia have three group hero. The First, Past time’s hero. Its are period before Indonesia Independent, Orde Lama Period, and Orde Baru Period. The Hero in past time is “a Teacher”. The teacher has given motivation and taught Indonesian people how to opponent colonizer, how to manage this country, how to be a success country (developing country) and so on.

The Second, Its are The Present time’s hero. Who can be a hero? This country needs many people who can change this country. Now, It is a Reformasi period. So, the hero in reformasi period is “a student”. The Third, The Future time’s hero. In the next time, this country will be filled by crazy peoples. They are “crazy of money”, “crazy of potition”, and “crazy of woman”. So, Our country needs “a doctor”. The doctor can recover theirs.

A Teacher, a student and a doctor are people characteristic. Its aren’t the jobs. The Hero in the last times are someone who taught about beauty of freedom. For examples, Jendral Soedirman, he was only a young man who can give motivation to theother person. KH Ahmad Dahlan was hero of Indonesia Education, Ir. Soekarno and Jendral Soeharto are political teacher. Everytime has a leader what agree with its time.

The Hero in the present time is someone who has spirit of study. He studies about the meaning of life. So, he cares condition this country. The student gave his think, his time, his energy and his money. Even he will be a victim in the campus because he don’t have time to finish his study. While in the next time the future heros are “doctor”. The Doctor is not job, but it’s a people characteristic. The doctor is someone who give medicine to people who has penyakit jiwa in this country. So, the doctors are professionalism teacher, technician, businessman, doctor, ect.

Its mean, our country need doctor who have skill how to treat illness country and of course they understand how to treat “crazy people” who can say but can’t do it, cares to education but don’t understand about education (only still SMU) and cares to people but corruption. Crazy people are “crazy of money”, “crazy of position” and “crazy of woman”. They want to grow but they are falling out.

Remember, the next time Indonesia won’t need enduring student who only can say but can’t do it or politician how only give promise but lie it.

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